Algorithm Audit

I am a member of Algorithm Audit, a Dutch non-profit organization that builds and shares knowledge about responsible and ethical use of algorithms for decision-making. We form independent audit commissions that shed light on ethical issues that arise in concrete use cases of algorithmic tools and methods. These audit commissions comprise academics from diverse areas such as the legal disciplines, the data sciences, and the humanities as well as public policy-makers and practitioners working at technology companies, research organizations and think tanks. We thereby help organizations committed to ethical algorithms make judgments about fairness and ethics beyond the requirements of legal compliance. All of our cases and corresponding advice are made publicly available. We also give talks and hold seminars at universities and participate in conferences and policy convenings.

Our public Bias-Scan tool is finalist in the AI Audit Challenge at Stanford HAI and the Cyber Policy Center at Freeman Spogli Institute and Stanford Law School at Stanford University.

Industry Experience

Machine Learning Research Scientist Intern, 08/2022 - 11/2022

Developed quasi-experimental post-processing methods for detecting and mitigating discriminatory bias in machine learning-based customer targeting algorithms.

Research Assistant, Marketing & Data Sciences, GfK 04/2017 - 11/2019

Developed marketing mix models using microeconometrics and causal inference methods for optimizing promotions for some of Scandinavia's largest retailers.

Other positions 06/2015 - 01/2017

Academic Societies

I am a member of INFORMS, the Society for Causal Inference, the Swiss Statistical Society, and the Swedish Statistical Society.